i'm looking tired and feeling quite sick,
i felt like there was something missing in my day to day life,
so i quickly opened the wardrobe,
pulled out some jeans and a T-Shirt that seemed clean,
topped it off with a pair of old shoes,
that were ripped around the seams,
and i thought these shoes just don't suit me.
Hey, I put some new shoes on,
and suddenly everything is right,
I said, hey, I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling,
it so inviting,
Oh, short on money,
but long on time,
slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
and i'm running late,
and i dont need an excuse,
'cause i'm wearing my brand new shoes.
Woke up late one thursday,
and i'm seeing stars as i'm rubbing my eyes,
and i felt like there were two days missing,
as i focused all the time,
and i made my way to the kitchen,
but i had to stop from the shock of what i found,
a room full of all my friends dancing round and round,
and i thought hello new shoes,
byebye them blues.
Take me wondering through these streets,
where bright lights and angels meet,
stone to stone they take me on,
im walking to the break of dawn.
Lyrics by Paolo Nutini
Ich liebe es einfach!
Süsser Typ, toller Text, tolle Melodie - geniales Lied!
Zum anhören einfach draufklicken: Paolo Nutini -- New Shoes
Diese tollen Schuhe hab ich am Dienstag in meinem Lieblingsladen Queenz Fashion in der Kapuzinerstr. entdeckt! In 37 (38 gabs nicht) anprobiert, aber sie waren leider ein bisschen zu klein... also dortgelassen!
Sie sind mir allerdings einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopf gegangen, weil sie einfach zu perfekt sind! Also hab ich Freitag nochmal reingeschaut und plötzlich standen sie zumindest in 39 da! Bin mal zur Probe reingeschlüpft und... mit 2 Paar Socken gehts! Und bequem sind sie durch das Plateau auch noch! Ich bin verliebt...
Found these amazing shoes at my favorite store near my office! The first time I saw them they were only available in the wrong size... they were too small! But I can't stop thinking of them, and so I went to the shop again and tried one size bigger! And - I'm sooo lucky - they fit if I were two pair of socks! And they are really comfy with the little plateau! I'm seriously in love...
Bis bald meine Lieben!
See you soon, dears!