ich hoffe, ihr hattet auch alle einen wunderschönen Valentinstag! Hier mein Outfit passend zum Tag der Liebenden!
Hey dears, hope all of you had a nice Valentine too! Here's my look for the day of the lovers!
Mütze (hat), Schal (scarf) - H&M / Jacke (jacket) - Ann Christine / Rock - H&M / Socks - Takko / Boots - Never2Hot
Und jetzt werd ich noch schnell duschen gehen und dann ab ins Bett! Gute Nacht!
Now I will take a fast shower and then go to bed! Good Night everybody!

superhübsches Outfit, liebe es :))) Happy V day!!!
Like your outfit!!!kisses!!!
lovely outfit :)
and happy valentines day to you too xx
gorgeous outfit! love that skirt, the pattern is adorable :) you have a lovely blog, maybe we could follow each other if you like! happy valentine's day!
love, M
lovely outfit! i like the skirt...
nice blog, check out mine and if you like,follow each other?
Closet Test Tube
that skirt is to die for, love all the textures in this outfit! lovely photos :)
xoxo happy valentine's day!
wunderhübsch!! :D besonders der Rock *_* Der passt vom Schnitt irgendwie total gut zu dir :D
THis jacket is amazing! Looks like a CHanel ;)
wunderschöner rock. ich habe ihn auch schon im auge.
- dein outfit ist super
Vielen Dank! für dein liebes Kommentar (:
Wo ich den Post hier gerade sehe - wow, der Rock ist klasse! so einen suche ich schon länger, aber mein H&M scheint sowas nciht herzugeben!
Liebe Grüße
what a sweet skirt!
The coat and skirt go so well together - reminds me of Miu miu! x www.lostinthehaze.com
Hallo Angie! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting, I really appreciate it! Love your blog too (I became a follower ^_^), it's nice to see a fellow German blogger. And that skirt is great! I have the cardigan of the same print, which I wore on my blog a few posts back, but I didn't know they made a skirt too! Will definitely see if I can find it at my local H&M.
Love your skirt! great color and style.
LOVE your swallow skirt! How cute! Can I borrow it sometimes? Just send it over here to California, PLEASE! This obsession definitely started with those pesky Miu Miu maryjanes that I've been lusting over! AHH!
LOVE your skirt!!
I like your skirt!
ohh wow! :) unten rum gefällt mir das outfit super super gut!! :)
I love your blog :)
View my and take part in the competition.
Sehr hübsches Outfit! weiß gar nicht was mir am besten gefallen soll: der rock, die overknees oder doch die jacke? =)
Der Rock is ja so süss, gefällt mir gut.
Entschuldige, das ich mich zur Zeit so unregelmäßig melde, aber mein Leben is gerade furchtbar anstrengend und kompliziert. Ich hab eigentlich nur das Wochenende wo ich ein bisschen für mich habe.
Alles Liebe
Der Rock ist sooo goldig :)
Lieben Gruß, Sari
So beautiful! I love the skirt and your jacket :D
beautiful skirt- reminds me of mui mui last season!
So so cute! I love the jacket, skirt and shoes together.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Stop by again soon :)
Perfect feminine vs masculine balance here :) The skirts print is so prettty
It would be mine
I love your boots and skirt- great outfit!
Thanks for your sweet comment
Where the wild things might be...
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog =) I'm loving yours! Your outfits are lovely =D This skirt is amazing, especially with the socks! Going to follow you now =D
I love the military style blazer you have on and the prints on that skirt is way gorgeous! Lovely outfit!
Totally stylish , nice combination of over the knee socks and H&M Jacket ! Very cute :))
LOVE your style!
I am a new follower ;-) hope you had a nice weekend!
<3 megan
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