Hallo meine Lieben!
Ich hoffe Euch gehts genauso gut wie mir! Ich hab seit gestern Urlaub und hab heute auch im Nebenjob meinen letzten Dienst bis zum Ende der nächsten Woche gehabt! Jetzt wird das lockere Leben einfach nur genossen für die nächste Zeit! Und nächstes Wochenende hat mein Schwesterchen Geburtstag. Am Samstag wird reingefeiert und am Sonntag gegrillt! Ich freu mich schon total drauf!
Was habt ihr die nächste Zeit so vor?
Hey lovelies! I'm soooo happy these days! I enjoyed my first two days off sooo much!
And there are 13 days off more to go! I love to chill out and just enjoy the sun... Next weekend is my sisters birthday! On sunday we'll have a birthday party and on sunday we will have a little BBQ! I'm soo lookin' forward! What are you going to do the next days?
Sunnies - ACC / Lederjacke (leatherjacket) - Gipsy / Schal (scarf) - H&M / Kette (necklace) - FashionClub / Gürtel (belt) - NYer / Blazer - Pimkie / Shirt - FTP / Hose (pants) - Lovely Girl / Chucks - Converse / Tasche (bag) - FashionClub
I found this amazing giveaway at the cute blog "Squeeze the pug"! Sooo many amazing CHANEL stuff!
I definitely MUST win it!
Can't live without it anymore! ;o)
If you want to join the giveaway too, just click on the link!
Have a nice Wednesday!

i just loooove animal print! Liked your blog!
Kisses from Portugal*
hallo! ja! i'm so following your blog! :) it's very nice because you post english and german :D i love the new look! it's like stylish but at the same time it looks relaxing (like the pants that actually look like sweat pants!) keep posting!
and i just saw your giveaway, so i'm gonna try to enter as well :D
hope you had a great tuesday!!!
tschuss!!! oxox
oops, i just saw that the giveaway is not from you HAHAHAHA, anyways :D
love the outfit and completely in love with the scarf!
I'm pretty much jealous of the things you can buy in europe that we can't get here on the Front Range of Colorado...
I would kill for a place to buy those pants around here! Amazing and so comfy looking, too!
Schönen Urlaub wünsche ich Dir :)
I love your pants! :)
Wunderschönes Outfit, gefällt mir sehr. Besonders die Hose! Liebe, Charlotte.
dein Gürtel ist sooo toll ♥
ui, der Schal ist toll! :)
Lieben Gruß, Sari
♥love your blog♥
the scarf really finishes off the outfit :)
Really cool scarf! :D Have a nice weekend! :D
Oh i love your scarf, and you look is between rock and cool, like it :)
Thx for your comment !
www.coralieslooks.com - FRENCH FASHION BLOG
Hi there! I gave you the Kreativ Blogger Award, visit my blog for more info! :) Hope you have a wonderful day! <3
Nice post. Like your outfit <3
Nicollette from:
I love your look!! Thanks for pass for my blog!! Kisses from Spain!!
Tolles Outfit :).
LG, Sarina
my blog: caught in cloudland
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